Saturday, January 16, 2010

Grocery Delivery Tampa Fl Would People Use A Grocery Delivery Service?

Would people use a grocery delivery service? - grocery delivery tampa fl

I think starting one in Tampa. Have you or someone you know use such a service (assuming it runs and affordable)? Why?


PiggiePa... said... providing these services on a large scale. You can visit his website for ideas.

Many markets offer services in my neighborhood delivery. You call in your order, or go shopping, and provide later. You can see whether it is available and where you live, because if it already exists, no sense in reinventing the wheel. You do not achieve a "value-added solution that would be a customer incentive to use their services on the options already available.

Jim said...

Seniors interested in your service. If some people are disabled or at home for any reason, without helping local support for the family, would be ideal candidates for the service provided. Senior Housing canvas to see if he would be interested.

peaches6 said...

Of course! I hate the business and would pay for the convenience of someone doing it for me. Good luck!

Alex said...

Absolutely .. especially the elderly and people who sing or come to your area you want to practice gtocery

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